selection of plants. What not to do with the purchase of seeds and seedlings

By purchasing in a store or ordering plants for the garden in the spring, summer residents often get too carried away. After all, I really want to plant something new, and the advertising photos are so beautiful! What mistakes should you avoid?, so as not to “step on a rake”?

Do not take into account the features of the site

Planting plants, whose requirements are contrary to the criteria of his garden (eg, peach in the Moscow region or evergreen rhododendron in an open field with clay soil), a summer resident signs up for the most difficult continuous work. Soil replacement, regular special feedings, shelter for the winter… Yes, it’s impossible to list everything! And still the result, Alas, will be far from ideal.

The main backbone of the garden should be species and varieties that are resistant to your criteria., and you shouldn’t allocate too much space for garden tests. Think about it, Isn't it better to go to the store for southern fruits?, and admire exotic flowers in the botanical garden? Innovation – it's an exciting thing, but seriously rely on plants, who have the possibility of dying at any moment or are unlikely to look healthy and beautiful, at least unreasonable.

Create spontaneously

«We buy, let's plant, and we'll figure it out later!» – many summer residents think. And in the end, they are obliged to recycle mountains of summer, quickly spoiling apples in the complete absence of winter ones, then give away compotes and jams to relatives, then redo the flower beds and replant the bushes for the tenth time, or even save already grown plants from construction and laying paths.

Reasonable division of territory and thinking through construction technologies­va and communications at the stage of site development, as well as careful planning of the number of fruit trees needed for the family, berry bushes and garden plants (taking into account their productivity) will free you from such problems. Going to the garden center without a list of plants you need, for which a landing place has already been invented, We absolutely do not advise you!

Collecting flower seeds. How to save on planting material?

Ignore future plant sizes

Looking at a modest twig of an annual apple tree or a 20-centimeter Christmas tree in a pot, it is very difficult to imagine powerful trees, which of them will grow. I just want to buy more seedlings and plant them thicker! But if we are talking about a fruit tree, then real satisfaction of needs for light and nutrition – pledge and his coming harvest, and health, and longevity. Harmful mushrooms will grow best on apple trees in crowded conditions., not apples! The fruits will be small, ugly and more sour, than they are supposed to according to their grade. Ornamental plants, «strangled» neighbors, they also look much worse, than we could, and more often suffer from diseases and pests.

Rational distances for planting fruit trees, berry and vegetable crops, indicated in garden literature, – the result of long-term scientific work. Don't ignore them, don't reinvent the bike: if you follow the recommendations, the harvest will be bigger and better! The dimensions of ornamental trees and shrubs can also be found in books and on the Internet.. But pay attention: for many crops (especially conifers) catalogs do not indicate the largest size of a tree or bush, and its approximate size at 10 years of age. But that doesn't mean at all, that later they will slow down their own growth. Estimate, «dwarf» or «like a tongue» there will be a purchased Christmas tree, the easiest way is by its annual growth: If, for example, the top of the head grows every year 30 cm, then the growth of a 10-year-old tree will be no less than 3–4 m.

Take anywhere

Fruit trees, acquired in spontaneous markets and from private owners, often are not winter-hardy enough (since they were brought from the southern regions of the country, where is it cheaper to grow them?) and also not corresponding to the declared variety. Unscrupulous flower sellers often sell cheap and common varieties to gullible summer residents at high prices. (shining example – «lily tree»), or even just weeds.

It is better to take only flower seedlings and other ornamental crops along the road and in markets. At the same time, such, which you can immediately see in all its glory. Any plants (and especially fruit trees), whose compliance with the declared variety you cannot immediately determine, but only a few years later, should only be purchased from reputable nurseries and garden centers­rah or from reputable private traders.

Blindly trust advertisements

«Super offers», designed for naive summer residents, appear in abundance every year (examples: Strawberry Raspberry, miracle fruit momordica, blueberry forte sunberry, terry calistegia, etc.. p.). But most of the new products purchased at high prices do not live up to expectations..

Even if the traders are very convincing – It's worth thinking twice before purchasing! In fact, most­in plants, about which advertisers shout so loudly, known since the time of King Pea. And the fact that they did not take root in our gardens, justified by objective reasons: or low resistance, or those, that they are simply ugly or have tasteless fruits, and are even difficult to eradicate weeds. For now, in the age of smartphones and ubiquitous Internet access, find reviews of those on the Internet, who has already tried to grow them, can be done in minutes – even standing with a sacred pot in my hands in the middle of a garden center.

Personal experience. How to grow unusual varieties of common vegetables?

Rely on gifts from neighbors

They usually give, that's not a pity. That is, rapidly growing, а порой и весьма брутальные растения, с которыми получателю подарка позднее самому же и придётся бороться. Обзавестись таким образом многообещающими новинками и сложноразмножаемыми культурами, скорее всего, не получится.

Совершенно отказываться от дружеского обмена не стоит: ведь все приобретенные от соседей растения уже доказали свою устойчивость в ваших критериях, да и их цветки или плоды вы сможете увидеть воочию. Но самые ценные экземпляры всё же лучше приобрести. Полезно также освоить «продвинутые» методы размножения, for example, черенкование и прививку. Тогда перечень того, чем можно будет обменяться, приметно расширится.

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