Get tired! How to choose and build a bathhouse in the country

Get tired! How to choose and build a bathhouse in the country

It just so happened, that almost everyone in Russia adores the bath, but not everyone has the opportunity to boast of their own. Especially for those, who have already acquired country estates (better known as “дача”) website “RIA Real Estate asked experts to tell, how to choose and build a personal bath correctly, and what needs to be considered in the process.

Russian. Woody. Yours

The bath does not necessarily have to be built of wood: roman baths, турецкие хаммамы, and examples of city baths like the famous Sandunovskiye are the best example.

However, if we are talking about a personal site, the best choice would be the good old wood bath. “You can build a brick bath, blocks or natural stone, but it will be unprofitable for two reasons: во-первых, all these materials will require long ventilation to protect against moisture. The tree dries up much faster.. А во-вторых, buildings made of bricks and other heavy materials need a foundation. Such a bath will already be a real estate object, and you have to pay tax for it”, - Recommends the consultant for private construction Vitaly Krasnov.

According to him, the choice in favor of a wooden bath gives one more advantage - they are the most on the market, because it is easier for a person to choose the option that suits him. Heat, steam and smell: what is the best way to make the interior of the bathhouse if the bath is not serious, then its owner will have less headache with choosing a place for it: you can actually ignore the features of the relief and so on, а в случае, if something goes wrong, just rearrange such a bath, adds the head of the construction team Viktor Tereshchenko. "Есть, естественно, enthusiasts, who really want to build a bathhouse with their own hands and according to their own project, but that, who doesn't want to play builder, it's better to choose from ready-made sentences. Self-construction won't save you a lot of money, а вот времени отнимет порядком", – notes Krasnov.

What are the baths

Wood baths are different too. The most common options on the market are from logs, timber (ordinary or glued) or from frame panels. Each of these types has its own characteristics..Get tired! How to choose and build a bathhouse in the country

Log sauna, if it was built without breaking technology, it will be better than others to keep warm, plus she will need a minimum of additional insulation. However, this option expects a longer shrinkage.. Besides, such a bath in most cases requires a serious foundation, that is, there is a high probability, that it will have to be registered as a property.

"Некие в этом случае предпочитают строить "гостевую баню" - almost a complete house, half of which is occupied by one or several living rooms. Иногда его употребляют даже как основной дом – если участок незначительный и используется только в летний период", - explains Tereshchenko.

The timber is in many ways identical to the log, although there are nuances, he continues. Так, glued laminated timber will be more expensive, but requires less time to shrink. An ordinary timber, among other things, needs more thorough moisture protection, since fluctuations in temperature and humidity affect it more strongly.

The cost of baths from a log or a bar, usually, takes start from 500 thousand rubles and can reach 2 million. “If there is a desire not to overpay, then you can order a ready-made kit with a team from another region, not from the capital. Even taking into account shipping, savings can be up to 150 thousand”, - prompts Krasnov.Get tired! How to choose and build a bathhouse in the country

Sauna from a bar is another matter, that when ordering a bath from afar, it will be more difficult for you to check the reviews on the work of the team and the quality of the material, Tereshchenko warns. Frame baths are very popular, since they are cheap (the most budgetary options have the ability to do with 70 thousand rubles, the most expensive sometimes exceed 600 тысяч). Such baths are being built very rapidly. (in just a few days), do not require foundation and registration, and also do not actually shrink.

“Generally, wireframe is a very good option, но учтите, that you almost certainly have to bring it to the brain: insulate, Maybe, redecorate. Quite often, these baths are quite thin and do not keep warm well in winter.. Plus their service life is shorter, than capital baths”, - explains Krasnov. Don't hang up noodles! Как “teapot” control the construction of your house The most vulnerable part of such a bath is the roof, adds Tereshchenko. Large heat losses often go through it., therefore, after acquiring insulation, it is better to do it right away. Besides, at the popular baths like “barrel” there is a big flaw - their layout implies, that all doors are placed one after the other: entrance, door to the vestibule-changing room, to the washroom and the steam room. This creates drafts and makes it difficult to retain heat., notes Krasnov. “So if there is a possibility, then it is better to choose such a bath, where all doors are placed perpendicular to each other”, - he advises.

“The absence of shrinkage for the frame is also conditional, therefore that under the influence of temperature and water they can “to go” individual elements, so it's worth taking care of additional moisture protection too”, - he reasons. But even with these costs, the frame bath remains the most budgetary option., adds Tereshchenko.

Bringing the bath to mind

Almost always there is a need for a freshly built bath “bring her to the brain” - that is, to patch up the cracks, fit various elements, and most importantly - to make insulation and provide protection from water, prompts Krasnov. The main task of the bath is to rapidly heat up and retain heat. At the same time, the operating conditions are quite difficult - these are high temperatures and the highest humidity., agrees the general director of the trading network “Technonicol” Anatoly Nesterov.

To retain heat, the walls of the bath must be insulated. The first option is such: we assemble a frame from a wooden bar 50x50 mm with a step in 6 сантиметров, we install mineral wool insulation in the place between the timber. We protect the heat insulator with foil vapor barrier with obligatory gluing of seams. Foil will help not only to protect the heat insulator from getting wet, but will also allow you to additionally retain heat due to the reflection of radiant thermal energy. The final stage will be the sewing of the walls with eurolining, explains Nesterov. April 12 2018, 14:20Drone against baths: how taxes will be charged for buildings in summer cottages From the end of last year, owners of suburban areas are afraid, that they will have to pay new taxes on country toilets, greenhouses and other buildings, which the authorities plan to find from drones. Site “RIA Real Estate” figured out with the experts, what is happening in reality, and most importantly - who should pay for what now. There is another option, he continues. Similarly, a frame is assembled from a wood beam 50x50, в пространство между брусом устанавливается инноваторские теплоизоляционные PIR-плиты с фольгой. Такой теплоизолятор является самым эффективным и не опасается влаги. Glue board joints with foil tape, to get a continuous foil coating. Next, we nail the final covering from the Euro lining, he says.Get tired! How to choose and build a bathhouse in the country

The rest room in the bath The next fundamental stage is the treatment of the bath with an antiseptic.

The fundamental difference between an antiseptic for internal treatment of baths and saunas from other antiseptics for protecting wood is in the composition. Its components, с одной стороны, protect the tree species as long as possible at high humidity and temperature, on the other hand, they do not emit substances harmful to humans in these criteria, explains the head of the direction in the category “Paints - lighting” in “Leroy Merlin” Vyacheslav Bulakhtin. Products for benches and other surfaces, with whom the person is in direct contact,, имеют в составе парафиновое масло либо воск. Они глубоко проникают в дерево и делают в структуре волокон древесины пленку, которая защищает дерево от воды и грязищи. Due to the absence of a pronounced film on the surface, there is no risk of skin burns on contact with the treated surface at very high temperatures, unlike varnishes. Также принципиально отсутствие биоцидов в составе. Пол в бане больше всего контактирует с водой. Внедрение лака на полах в бане либо сауне неоправданно. It will often need to be repainted and each time to prepare the surface.. Parquet varnishes (for floors) require a certain mode of humidity and temperature, по другому толстая пленка лака может повредиться, подчеркивает он.

А вот масло для пола лишено таких заморочек. It uses a water-borne vegetable oil based oil blend, which protects the tree from water and cracking. The cover is easily renewed if necessary, therefore this particular option for a bath will be good.

Walls, the ceiling and doors can already be varnished for the walls, continues Bulakhtin. Он образует тонкую защитную пленку из акрила на поверхности, которая довольно эластична, но сильно уступает по прочности на истирание паркетным и мебельным лакам. Такая поверхность просто нагревается, поэтому не подходит для полов. Лак содержит дополнительный противоплесневый компонент. К таким средствам можно, for example, отнести лак для саун и бань Luxens, советует он. Высокотемпературный микровоск в составе защищает древесную породу от влаги. Создаваемая на поверхности полуматовая пленка обладает грязе- and water-repellent qualities and is tinted at the same time in any shade. The more versatile Tikkurila Supi Saunavaha - a wax-based protective compound. It can be applied to all surfaces, excluding gender.

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